Monday, December 2, 2019

What graduate program is right for you?

In today's society, I encounter a few who would rather be told what to do versus search within.  Today's question was inspired by someone who was hoping I would have the answer, but instead, I came up with questions to help this person figure out what they truly wanted. 

Since the concern was regarding graduate school, here are questions that can be helpful.

1.What is your goal in attaining a post-degree?
2.What are you interested in learning?
3.What are you excited about applying to?
4.Why do you want this program over another program?
5.Will this program make you happy?
6. Can you afford it on your own?
7. Did you do your research?
8. Did you prepare/are you ready?
9. How does this program prepare you for you future (career) goals?

After responding to the above questions, one can also create a back up plan in case your first choice of a graduate program does not pan out.  Since I don't expect one can put all their eggs in one basket so to speak, so I also suggest one make another back-up to the original back-up plan.  I always feel there should be at least 2-3 back-up plans to fall upon, with those or similar questions as the guide each time.  I'm sure there are other questions that can be asked to help steer us in the right direction, but for now, I'm leaving them here as tools for the cyber-world!

Till next time...

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